07 September 2008


Oh, how I love the wise advice I always get from Missy. I swear, she sees life through the eyes of a seasoned old woman but still looks like she should get carded for a lottery ticket. And her empathy is amazing. Of course, she's always been that way.

Thank goodness for that fateful day our sophomore year when she was sick eating cheerios on the sideline during dance team practice and I asked her if they were honey nut or regular.

Because, not only would I not have this sudden change in perspective, but I would also be out a lot of great memories, shenanigans, San Antonio experience, enchiladas and general Missy-ness.

So. About this change in perspective. It surprises me because I am usually a double-checker when it comes to making sure I'm being understanding. I see now that lately I've been too critical, too paranoid, and not confident enough.

--Which is even more of a shocker to me because I have never been like this. I do have my reasons, but I think it's time to let those reasons go. I'm only hindering myself and sabotoging what may come if I keep holding on to the past and being scared.

I think it's time to let go and trust him. Not just a little bit, but all the way. He shouldn't have to keep trying to redeem himself when he already has. I can't keep holding this over his head or things will never change.

Who needs a therapist when you have Missy? Her rates are way cheaper-- a latte or a cheese plate every now and then pays the bill!


  1. Yay for a friend like that! It's awesome how some people just have that way about them. They are few and far. I have one and even though we hardly get a chance to talk I still love her dearly.

  2. awww, any time my darling!!

  3. i like how you noted the enchiladas. =)
