A while back I mentioned that I needed a change. Someone suggested re-arranging furniture. Well, months later, I finally re-arranged. It just hit me one night and I've been on a roll pretty much all week.
It took me so long because I have a very unique space to work with. Think of it as a two-car-garage-sized loft. Complete with a kitchen and bathroom. There are two problems with this: Serious lack of storage and limited furniture arrangement options.
I went to IKEA looking for solutions, but didn't really find much inspiration. It's hard to not find inspiration at IKEA, but somehow I managed. I always feel so lame after walking through that huge store and leaving empty handed.
In the meantime I've gotten rid of a lot of things: some in a pile to be donated, some craigslisted, some replaced, and some removed altogether. There was way too much furniture in this tiny space.
The major changes I made were to get rid of that huge futon, which gave me way more space. I replaced it with a foldout bed loveseat that Chris had crowding his apartment. I'm thinking of getting rid of that old-man chair, just because it also takes up a lot of space. But I'm hesitant because it's comfy. We'll see.
I moved my bed from against the wall to just placing the head against the wall. It sticks out more into the room that way, but with less furniture it kinda works. I thought I'd fall off without the wall there, but it turns out I just stay right in the middle. I'm not a wall-hugger type of sleeper anyway.
Next is storage. It seems like when I move one thing, it requires movement of another thing, which requires more storage for another thing, and so on and so forth. It's as if cleaning one mess creates two more messes. But it will all work out in the end. I hope. The clutter drives me nuts.
I'm bugging my dad to build me some shelves up above my closet. I moved my mini-fridge to the laundry room, and my mom is using it as a table until someone needs it.
I bought this cheap storage-thing that's like a bookcase with doors to use as extra cabinet space. I built it all by myself, with only a few curses and un-screwing of screws. The thing is, it's too low. So now I need something else to boost it up. See? Never-ending.
It's totally fun though.
No!!!!!!! Not the Old Chair...its so comfy...where will i sit when i come over?
ReplyDeleteAlso I can't really see the bed away from the wall, however not that its a pull out bed i guess it works.
Although you think its never ending, one day these arrangements will change and you will feel accomplished...but don't get rid of that old chair...please