03 January 2009

spicy ass

I can't remember the last time I ate something spicy and when I crapped it made my ass burn.

Oscar's mom made tamales and he brought some over last night. Those things were mouth-singing, eyes-watering, nothing-will-soothe-it-so-keep-eating SPICY. And they have stayed spicy. Ouch. Makes me wish I had some of those baby whipes that a friend of mine kept in the bathroom and I made fun of him.

In other news, I'm proud that I woke up before noon today.


  1. OMG...TMI...Ughh!

  2. I understand that you have a very handsome (and smart) friend that leaves his turds in the toilet for others to see; now that is perfectly acceptable.

  3. I'm totally going to out you. Mr. Not So Anonymous.

    And you have NO room to talk, lol!
