28 June 2009

hott & cakes

It is hot out there. I was outside for less than 5 minutes before sweat started dripping down my face. Blugh.

If you haven't checked out my latest masterpiece, go do it!

It has been a really long time since I've gotten to make a cake, and I'm really honored that Jen trusted me to make one for such a special occasion. Even though a bunch of stuff didn't go to plan, I forgot how much fun they are. I used to make them all the time, but since I've been GF I haven't really been confident enough to do them. Hopefully that will change and I'll get to break out my pastry bags more often.

Sadly, my little garden is looking more wilted than ever. I water it, but this drought is sucking it all up. I piled on a bunch of new soil and gave it a good soaking today. I really, really want to see little peas or squash or peppers grow!

It was a pretty mellow weekend. I gotta figure out what I'm doing for the 4th. It seems like everyone is doing different things.

25 June 2009


I can't find my phone. I think it might have slipped between or under my car seat, but it's too dark to look for it now. I hope I didn't lose it for real. I have a bad habit of placing it on the seat while driving so if it rings I don't have to dig through my purse. Sometimes when I slide out of the car the phone will fall out. I don't know how many times I've gone to my car to look for it, and it's on the ground next to the car.

Horray for the 5-minute rain shower we got today, after 2 months and not a drop! I'm hoping that we keep getting rain and my plants will grow. They've kinda stunted. I added some new soil and they started to grow again. I water them, but there's nothing like a good rainstorm to saturate the soil. So, cross your fingers for peas, peppers, and squash.

I have noticed that when I go to the gym in the morning, there are far more cute boys working out than there are at night. But, if they're working out at 9 am, they're probably not employed. Meh, eye candy is always good when cardio starts to get boring, employed or not. :o)

The animals for the baby shower cake are turning out SO cute. I'm really proud of them, especially for the first time I've tried it. Pictures will go up when they're all done. I used butterscotch for the lion's mane and it smells so great, haha.

Tummy update: not too bad. Few minor bumps, but overall I'm optimistic. I was craving peanut butter cookies so I used agave nectar instead of white sugar, added flaxseed meal, and omitted the shortening. They came out just as tasty but a little less bad for you. Baby steps! I live for baby steps.

Okay, that's the trivial stuff, but I don't really feel like blogging about the more serious stuff in my head. More to come when it's easier to sort out.

22 June 2009

medical experimentation

I was right on the verge of puking all day. Heating pad clutched to my stomach, I don't even know how many pepto pills I took. They didn't solve the problem, but they were probably what kept my stomach contents where they belong. I finally broke down and took a second prilosec. A half-hour later, I can choke down a rice cake and things are calming down.

I'm totally bummed- I was doing so good. I have been watching that "I didn't know I was pregnant" show and at first I was paranoid that I was somehow pregnant and it was related to that. But, that is not very realistic, haha.

Next experiment: Taking 1 one day, then taking 2 the next day. Then if that works, I'll start taking 2 every other day. I have not been beaten yet!!

One thing to note: I had another one of those dizzying attacks where I break out in a cold sweat and things start to black out and I get all tingly. It was not as intense as my last one, probably because I knew what was about to happen. Is that a panic attack?

21 June 2009


To gym or not to gym? That is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the pains and soreness of outrageous workout,
or to lay down in the sea of my bed
and by opposing gain more flab? To sweat: to sleep;
don't know. And by a sleep to say we end
the will to pump the heart and a thousand natural shocks
that our feet feel on the treadmill. tis a consummation
devoutly to be wished. To sweat, to sleep,
to sleep, perchance to dream about six-packs and cupcakes. ay, there's the rub.
for in that sleep of laze our thighs will soon rub indeed.
When we have shuffled off that slothful feel,
must give us pause: there's the respect
that comes from energy and cardiac health of so long life
For who would bear the whips and scorns of an hour-long workout...

...enough being clever. I had to memorize that in high school... the real one, haha. I will go work out now. Maybe even take that 15-minute ab class.

20 June 2009

a letter

Dear upset stomach,

Please go away.



19 June 2009

Fri- to the -day

Wow. A lot has happened in the last 24 hours. Bulleted list!

- Ashley ended up in the ER last night. She slipped on someone's puke at the bar and banged her elbow pretty hard. In her defense, she was not drunk. The doctor was surprised it wasn't broken, just a very bad sprain. She's walking around in a sling and we're all kissing her ass.

- I've halved my daily dose of prilosec to 1 pill all week, and today is the first day I'm feeling bad. I'm going to try and not take any medicine and tough it out, just to see what happens. Maybe once I get over this hurdle my body will regulate itself out. We'll see.

- I tried a beginner jazz class last night with Missy and my sisters, and it gave me the dancing itch BAD. I don't know if I can afford to keep going, though.

- I have to buy a gift for this wedding I'm going to tomorrow. I like the groom, but in my opinion the bride is a very unfriendly bitch. Mixed feelings about that.

You know what else? I'm totally looking forward to tapioca tea tonight. I just hope el estomago cooperates.

** I'm thinking the tummy trouble may have more to do with accidental gluten than the change in medicine, because my mouth is full of canker sores. Gah. Where did it come from? I must be more careful.

18 June 2009


Boys gossip
and boys scheme
and overanalyze when it comes to the opposite sex.

They like to say that they're streamlined, drama-free machines, but I have seen a lot of glaring contradictions. We tend not to stereotype them as much, but they still do it. My dad, my brothers, friends, everywhere.
I suppose they're more subtle about it.

The thing is, girls are better at it. :o)

16 June 2009

whirling dervish?

I'm pretty excited that after a year and a half, I got to eat a decent piece of yellow cake. Chocolate is a piece of cake, <-- [har de harr harr] but for some reason my gluten free yellow cakes from scratch never turn out. Thank you, Betty Crocker! Check out the awesomeness on my GF blog.

In other news, today I was a busy bee. I woke up early in pain from that grueling pilates workout yesterday, and decided to take the day off from working out. Back to it tomorrow! I even got cute new workout shorts that are long enough so that I can do that inner thigh machine without flashing my vag, but short enough so I don't sweat to death.

I ran errands, made cake, ran some more errands, made yet another failed bread recipe into melba toast (which is oh-so-delicious with hummus), worked in the office, etc etc. During our errands my mom and I went to the thrift store that benefits the women's shelter in Fort Bend.

I got a lampshade to go with the lamp that I bought 3 years ago but never found a shade for. It was ugly, but I converted it into a cute lampshade using the leftover fabric from my bulletin board.




The shade turned out to be a tad too big for the base, but I think it's cute and quirky. Now I'm deciding if I'm up for making some tortellini/ ravioli to freeze for when I need a quick meal. I caught Alton Brown's episode the other day and ever since them I've been thinking about them.

Oh, and my laptop is sounding like it might die again. As IF I can afford that after the $400 in doctor bills I already have. Keep chuggin' Lappy!

15 June 2009


So my pea plants have grown plenty of vines, but no peas yet. Same thing goes for the peppers I planted. The pepper plants never got very big- it doesn't look like they're even strong enough to hold fruit. Darn, I got so excited when something actually grew but now I don't know if anything will actually GROW.

My mom started a small garden a couple weeks ago and she's already got bell peppers growing. Go figure.

My mom only needs me to work in the afternoons this week, so I've got some free time in the mornings. I'm going to pilates today at noon. I heard about a store called Ranch Creek Natural Foods that might have some new gluten free foods. I want to go check that out this week.

You know, I got to thinking this weekend after I was talking to Julie at Seren's party. She has started eating healthier, natural foods because she was feeling sick all the time, and she was telling me how amazing she started feeling. I mean, it's common sense, but people never seem to pay attention to how their food is making them feel.

Since I've started reading labels out of necessity a year and a half ago, I've noticed exactly what kind of crap is put into food. It's amazing the things people eat without ever realizing it. And, it's amazing the impact food has on our health. If you think about it, the majority of health problems can be fixed or prevented by simply eating right and exercising.

If it's that simple, why don't we just do it? Because people are gluttons. Even as I stand here on my blogger soapbox, I know the shit I'm eating but I eat it anyway because it's convenient and it's there and it tastes good.

Anyway, as my disgust with the whole food industry wore off, I thought about how I take 2 prilosec every morning to avoid that constant upset stomach, nausea and heartburn my doctor refers to as dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is just a blanket term for indigestion, and they don't know why it bothers me so much. I would really like to stop taking these pills, because I've taken them for about 5 years now. The long-term effects are not good and I'd like to save the $35 a month.

When I first started taking the pills, it was like angels from heaven started singing. It was amazing how well they worked, and they literally gave me my life back. That's why I'm slightly hesitant to stop taking them.

But, I figure the best I can do is really start eating right and keep exercising. Maybe the combination will enable me to stop taking them, or at least take a lower dose.

Anyway, I always talk about how I need to start eating better and get my ass off the couch. Now that I have a more specific goal in mind, I might actually have the motivation to do it. I know I can't be perfect, but I really am curious to see if eating healthy and exercising will "cure" the dyspepsia. Stay tuned...

14 June 2009

kitchen beauty

I saw this article for homemade face masks and decided to try it out.

I like how they keep calling them "organic," but they're only organic if you use organic ingredients. Derr.

I tried the 'breakfast mask' sans olive oil (why put olive oil on oily skin?) and it smelled SOO good. I wanted to eat it. The problem was, the oats were so chunky they kept falling off my face instead of sticking to my skin, so I had to kinda glop them on there. Eventually they congealed enough to stick. I left it on for only about 5 minutes. Afterwards, my skin really was softer and less oily.

I want to invent one with grated cucumber and aloe vera, and keep it in the fridge for an after-sun mask. Wouldn't that feel awesome??

Organic Banana Face Mask
Your skin will have a healthy glow after applying this tropical mask to your face. This recipe is designed for all skin types.

1. Mash one half of a banana
2. Mix in a tablespoon of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey
3. Apply to the face and keep the mixture on for fifteen minutes
4. Rinse with lukewarm water and then moisturize

The Breakfast Mask
Complete with protein and whole grains, this breakfast-themed mask is used to correct and calm oily skin.

1. Combine an egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, then a tablespoon of olive oil (yes, olive oil) and half a cup of oatmeal
2. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes
3. Rinse with lukewarm water and then moisturize

Honey & Papaya Lightening Mask
This mask is specifically for those who have hyperpigmentation, sun spots and uneven pigment.

1. Blend together two tablespoons of honey and half a cup of mashed ripe papaya.
2. Apply on the face evenly for 15-20 minutes
3. Rinse with lukewarm water and then moisturize

Heavenly Honey Citrus Mask
This honey-and-orange-based mask is a quick fix to give your face an organic healthy glow.

1. Combine three tablespoons of orange juice with half a cup of honey
2. Apply to the face and leave on for half an hour
3. Rinse with lukewarm followed by cool water, then moisturize

13 June 2009

tunage & drama

I got into my workout yesterday. I'm thinking it was the hip new tunes. I wanted to get up and work out today, but I slept in instead.

We all have body parts that we don't like. The only part of my body I've ever focused on was my stomach. I mean, it gives me so much trouble anyway, and a lot of times I can't tell if I've gained weight or I'm just puffy. Either way, that's my problem area.

I have never had issues with my arms, legs, or butt. They're just there. I'm trying to give them a little attention now. I worked my legs yesterday. I am feeling it. It's especially hard for me to work out my upper body & arms, because I have absolutely zero strength there. I couldn't even lift 5 lbs on one machine I tried yesterday. Pathetic, I know. I'm actually looking forward to developing some strength.

Here's a sampling of the new tunes:

3OH!3- Starstrukk

Akon- Right Now (Na Na Na)

Benny Benassi- California Dreaming 2004

The Darkness- I Believe in a Thing Called Love [Totally makes me think of Karaoke]

Katy Perry- Hot 'N Cold

The Pussycat Dolls- Don't Cha (Feat. Busta)

Rihanna- SOS

Lady GaGa- Just Dance

The Ramones- I Wanna Be Sedated

Niche- Last Night the DJ Saved my Life

Metro Station- Shake it

Brandtson- Nobody Dances Anymore [one of my favorite music videos, makes you want to dance]

The Donnas- Take it Off

Aly & AJ- Walking on Sunshine

Devo- Whip it

Sing it Loud- Bite Your Lip

In other random thoughts, Cinnamon Chex tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I'm digging it.
I made coffee using the coffeemaker at this house, and it's one of those that makes 12 cups so you can't really make only 1 cup. Today, I made it the old-fashioned way, the way we made it during the power outage after Ike. I boiled some water and poured it over a filter with coffee in it, except the darn filter broke and I ended up with a cup of coffee grounds. I re-filtered it, and it tasted great.

Oh, and I just KNEW something would happen after David was there at Seren's going-away party last night.

He's playing the martyr and THAT is why I don't want to be friends with him. He's acting like I just dumped him as a friend for no reason, when it's a combination of naturally growing apart and me not trusting him anymore. At least he knows that part, but he won't own up to why. The truth is, I haven't really missed his friendship.

Hey guys guess what? Tonight's my last night watching the dogs. *happy dance*

09 June 2009


Note to self: Cool Ranch Doritos and 4 popsicles for breakfast is not the best idea you've ever had.

Who wants a salad for lunch?? Me. :o)

And I don't know how it happened, but I managed to consume 6 Snickers ice cream bars in 12 hours. I hate my montly pre-menstrual scarf-fest. It's like I turn into a junk-food monster with a bottomless stomach.

07 June 2009


I was a little wierded out by the thought of house-sitting and sleeping in a strange house, all alone. When I got back to the house that evening, my ears started pounding and my head felt 3 times its normal size. I'd managed to dope myself up enough to have fun swimming all day, but I was definitely feeling it. Being sick in someone else's house? Ughh.

The first thing I did was close all the drapes. That house has a ton of huge windows and it especially creeped me out that the front door was glass with only some gauzy curtains. I didn't know where to park it, so I headed upstairs. I figured I'd fall asleep watching some dumb movie. I looked through the dvds, but none screamed, "watch me!" I flipped through the tv channels, and landed on Spongebob. Seriously, there was nothing on. After a little while I decided to head back downstairs and watch tv in the living room. I grabbed my blanket and pillow, and dozed off for a couple of hours.

One of the dogs started barking, which totally freaked me out. My heart was racing thinking of some burgler or pervert who chose that night to break in. Of course, nothing was there. After my doze, my head was hurting way less, so I figured I'd try sleeping in one of the beds. The only one that I knew for sure had clean sheets was the master bed, because I'd taken them out of the dryer and put them on. Tony, I remembered our conversation about hotel comforters, and noticed that it was only the sheets that had been washed. I'm glad I brought my own blanket, haha. I laid down in bed, only feeling a little creeped out about sleeping in someone else's bed, and I was glad I also brought my own pillow.

I fell asleep, then for some reason at 1230 I woke up, thinking that my phone was ringing. When I woke up enough, I realized that it hadn't rang, and wondered if I heard a different noise that woke me up, like someone in the house or something. My glasses were off so all I was seeing were fuzzy shadows. None immediately looked like a human shape, and I figured if there was someone in the house, the dogs would bark. I settled down again. It's wierd how different noises sound differently in different houses. The ice machine in the kitchen, the AC kicking on, the strange little settling noises, all that stuff.

Just as I was getting to sleep again, my phone actually rang and scared the shit out of me. It was Suzy, making sure I'd be there to take her to school at 830 for cheer camp. I think she mentioned something about Blink 182 pit tickets being sold out as well. Anyway, after that I went back to sleep.

I kept waking up every couple hours to clear my sinuses, and I had to fidget around a bit to get my heating pad under my neck, which was sore.

Finally, my alarm went off at 730. It was one of those times where I was glad to see morning because the night sucked so much. I got up, let the dogs out, and got ready to leave when my phone rang again. It was my mom, saying that they'd gotten in at 3am from Austin and she was going to take my sister to school.

I laid back down, and only then did I start to appreciate the comfiness of that bed. I think they have one of those pillow-top beds. I crashed hard for about an hour, then I woke up again because of my damn sinuses. I needed the comforts of home and a hot shower.

Only 8 more days of this! Hopefully I'll feel better soon and then it'll be easier to sleep. I will say that the dogs bug me WAY less in the middle of the night than my darn cat does.

06 June 2009


It is way too early to be awake on a Saturday morning. The lovely sinus/ ear pain woke me up, so I took a hot shower to help make it better. Not much help.

I made some biscuits, and in the effort to make them healthier, they ended up less-than-tasty. So, I toasted up some of the mediocre bread in my fridge and had grilled cheese for breakfast. Oddly satisfying. I am one of those people who likes breakfast food for breakfast. I don't care if I wake up at noon and it's lunchtime. I need cereal or pancakes or something equally breakfast-y. Some people can eat cold pizza, hamburgers, corn dogs, spaghetti no problem. I never could, which is why this grilled cheese for breakfast was odd.

What kind of breakfast person are you?

04 June 2009

grab your mini boom box box box

I am super tired today. I blame it on the lack of coffee this morning. I finally slept a whole night without waking up with pain. After a week of crap, I am officially declaring myself "better." About time.

Today also officially marks the first day I have worked out in a while. I got a 24-hr fitness membership for the summer. Suzy dragged me through today's workout. See, even though I like to work out, I don't like to work out for long periods of time. 30 minutes is good for me. I can usually get through 15 minutes of cardio even though I hate cardio, and then the rest of the time I do some weights. Lame, I know.

So before we left, we compromised on 45 minutes. Well, I got through 30 minutes of cardio, then did 15 minutes of machines, and Suzy dragged me through 15 more. I'm glad she did, though. I need to stop being so lame and kick myself up into shape.

In other good workout news, they have exercise classes, including yoga! I'm going tomorrow and I'm excited. They also have pilates classes, which I am even MORE excited about. When you do those exercises right, they do wonders for your core. Bad. Ass.

Then, when I work out I naturally start eating healthier. Who likes coming home from the gym feeling fantastic, then bloating themselves out on junk food? See, it just doesn't go together.

Which brings me to my next topic: I need better workout songs for my mp3 player. I need something fresh & upbeat. What's on your playlists? I expect comments with suggestions!

OH! I was helping my mom unload groceries today, and I saw that she had bought the same grab bag of fruit things that gyped me last time. I quick opened it up to see if there were gushers, and there WERE! So I took them. :o)

01 June 2009


When I woke up Sunday my fever was down, but my throat still hurt. I didn't care; I was stir crazy. I actually put on clothes and got out of the house. I ran a few errands and grabbed some lunch, and shortly thereafter I started feeling the aches again. Despite my pleadings with my body, it quickly regressed back to the fever and exhaustion.

I headed home, where I sat on my couch watching crappy tv in my pjs, feeling even worse than before. I mean I felt BAD. I did manage to catch the season finale of Breaking Bad, because I couldn't sleep anyway. Every time I tried I just laid in bed uncomfortable. Even with the AC on, when I breathed it felt hot and dry, like the freaking desert.

I contemplated taking some more ibprofen, but I'd already taken way more than the 6 tablets in 24 hours that is recommended, and I figured that I had a fever for a reason. Let my temperature fry those bastard invaders for a while and finally get me to feeling better.

Around 10, I got a call from Chris asking how I was feeling and if I needed anything. I thought for a second, then said, "Maybe some rainbow sherbert?"

A little background on rainbow sherbert. It has been my favorite ice cream since I was a little kid. When my dad would take us on Sundays, we'd always head to that drug store that had a small ice cream parlor in the front of the store, and I'd always get rainbow sherbert. There are few things that I find so refreshing.

Anyway, a little while later he arrived with a carton and scooped me out a bowl. Oh my gosh. It was so smooth and cold, and so light on the palate. It was like a fine cold mist in the middle of the sahara. It cooled me down from the inside, and not in that harsh, cringing way. It was very soothing, and numbed my throat. He also convinced me to take another dose of ibprofen, and within a short time, I was feeling immensely better. I was like, Wow. Magic.

Right before he left, he gave me a back and neck rub, as my muscles were very tense and sore from the shivering. I was finally relaxed, and I slept like a freaking baby.

...until I woke up at 3 when my throat started hurting again. Blast! The pain has migrated once again to the very top of my thoat and the opposite side! It's like the little army of bacteria or whatever is marching its way across to go conquer the other tonsil.

I don't care. At least I have rainbow sherbert.