01 June 2009


When I woke up Sunday my fever was down, but my throat still hurt. I didn't care; I was stir crazy. I actually put on clothes and got out of the house. I ran a few errands and grabbed some lunch, and shortly thereafter I started feeling the aches again. Despite my pleadings with my body, it quickly regressed back to the fever and exhaustion.

I headed home, where I sat on my couch watching crappy tv in my pjs, feeling even worse than before. I mean I felt BAD. I did manage to catch the season finale of Breaking Bad, because I couldn't sleep anyway. Every time I tried I just laid in bed uncomfortable. Even with the AC on, when I breathed it felt hot and dry, like the freaking desert.

I contemplated taking some more ibprofen, but I'd already taken way more than the 6 tablets in 24 hours that is recommended, and I figured that I had a fever for a reason. Let my temperature fry those bastard invaders for a while and finally get me to feeling better.

Around 10, I got a call from Chris asking how I was feeling and if I needed anything. I thought for a second, then said, "Maybe some rainbow sherbert?"

A little background on rainbow sherbert. It has been my favorite ice cream since I was a little kid. When my dad would take us on Sundays, we'd always head to that drug store that had a small ice cream parlor in the front of the store, and I'd always get rainbow sherbert. There are few things that I find so refreshing.

Anyway, a little while later he arrived with a carton and scooped me out a bowl. Oh my gosh. It was so smooth and cold, and so light on the palate. It was like a fine cold mist in the middle of the sahara. It cooled me down from the inside, and not in that harsh, cringing way. It was very soothing, and numbed my throat. He also convinced me to take another dose of ibprofen, and within a short time, I was feeling immensely better. I was like, Wow. Magic.

Right before he left, he gave me a back and neck rub, as my muscles were very tense and sore from the shivering. I was finally relaxed, and I slept like a freaking baby.

...until I woke up at 3 when my throat started hurting again. Blast! The pain has migrated once again to the very top of my thoat and the opposite side! It's like the little army of bacteria or whatever is marching its way across to go conquer the other tonsil.

I don't care. At least I have rainbow sherbert.

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