25 June 2009


I can't find my phone. I think it might have slipped between or under my car seat, but it's too dark to look for it now. I hope I didn't lose it for real. I have a bad habit of placing it on the seat while driving so if it rings I don't have to dig through my purse. Sometimes when I slide out of the car the phone will fall out. I don't know how many times I've gone to my car to look for it, and it's on the ground next to the car.

Horray for the 5-minute rain shower we got today, after 2 months and not a drop! I'm hoping that we keep getting rain and my plants will grow. They've kinda stunted. I added some new soil and they started to grow again. I water them, but there's nothing like a good rainstorm to saturate the soil. So, cross your fingers for peas, peppers, and squash.

I have noticed that when I go to the gym in the morning, there are far more cute boys working out than there are at night. But, if they're working out at 9 am, they're probably not employed. Meh, eye candy is always good when cardio starts to get boring, employed or not. :o)

The animals for the baby shower cake are turning out SO cute. I'm really proud of them, especially for the first time I've tried it. Pictures will go up when they're all done. I used butterscotch for the lion's mane and it smells so great, haha.

Tummy update: not too bad. Few minor bumps, but overall I'm optimistic. I was craving peanut butter cookies so I used agave nectar instead of white sugar, added flaxseed meal, and omitted the shortening. They came out just as tasty but a little less bad for you. Baby steps! I live for baby steps.

Okay, that's the trivial stuff, but I don't really feel like blogging about the more serious stuff in my head. More to come when it's easier to sort out.

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