04 June 2009

grab your mini boom box box box

I am super tired today. I blame it on the lack of coffee this morning. I finally slept a whole night without waking up with pain. After a week of crap, I am officially declaring myself "better." About time.

Today also officially marks the first day I have worked out in a while. I got a 24-hr fitness membership for the summer. Suzy dragged me through today's workout. See, even though I like to work out, I don't like to work out for long periods of time. 30 minutes is good for me. I can usually get through 15 minutes of cardio even though I hate cardio, and then the rest of the time I do some weights. Lame, I know.

So before we left, we compromised on 45 minutes. Well, I got through 30 minutes of cardio, then did 15 minutes of machines, and Suzy dragged me through 15 more. I'm glad she did, though. I need to stop being so lame and kick myself up into shape.

In other good workout news, they have exercise classes, including yoga! I'm going tomorrow and I'm excited. They also have pilates classes, which I am even MORE excited about. When you do those exercises right, they do wonders for your core. Bad. Ass.

Then, when I work out I naturally start eating healthier. Who likes coming home from the gym feeling fantastic, then bloating themselves out on junk food? See, it just doesn't go together.

Which brings me to my next topic: I need better workout songs for my mp3 player. I need something fresh & upbeat. What's on your playlists? I expect comments with suggestions!

OH! I was helping my mom unload groceries today, and I saw that she had bought the same grab bag of fruit things that gyped me last time. I quick opened it up to see if there were gushers, and there WERE! So I took them. :o)


  1. Yoga. Jealous. I keep saying I'm going to look up somewhere to do that.

    I don't know if these suggestions are great for overall exercise, but as for running songs, my ULTIMATE OF ALL TIME running song is called What it is to Burn by Finch.
    Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CKYowohxLY
    It's got a slowish beat which is great for long running strides. The last minute of the song is the most killer. I always envision my self in some super dramatic movie running sorta slow-mo crazy in the rain or something. :D
