31 January 2010

good weekend & the mortuary

Great weekend.
Good balance between lazing around and going out & doing stuff.
Some good moments. I swear, the best chemistry.

I really hope I don't come home exhausted every day this week because I bought a new bike seat and I'm excited to do some working out/ riding around.

Oh, I almost forgot- the dead people.

Went to the grand opening of the new mortuary and the owner gave me the 'special tour.' As he opened the door to the embalming room I didn't expect to see customers. First I saw a body under the sheet and I was like, "Ok. Seen that. No biggie." Then I looked to my right and there was just an old guy chillen there on a table, with a sheet over his middle. He looked plastic, almost like a mannequin. I felt strange looking into a dead person's face.

He showed me the instruments they used to embalm, then he took me over to the body with the sheet on it and lifted it up. You could see the stitches on his head and chest where they performed the autopsy, and he had a plastic bag over his face. He had already been embalmed and the owner lifted the bag up to show me.

I didn't really get a great look at his face but for some reason I noticed his chest hairs caught in the stitches. I was going to ask why they keep a bag on the face, but I was a little stunned at the unexpected corpses and just made little "Hm" noises and tried to not act surprised. I don't think I did a great job because as we were walking out of the room he asked if I still wanted to be a medical student, haha.

Either way it was kinda neat to see the flip side of the medical industry. Like I said, I was surprised but oddly not freaked out. Looking back I'm glad it was two old guys and not children or young people. That might have freaked me out.

Another thing I noticed: You know how when you're in a room with someone and you can sense that they're there even when you're not focusing on them? I didn't get that sense when I was in the embalming room. It was like they weren't even people- they were like fake people or hollow shells or something.

Overall an interesting experience and a good weekend.


  1. OMG! I would have freaked the hell out...what were you doing at a grand opening for a mortuary anyway?

  2. Haha, my parents do his pest control and I thought it'd be neat to go.
    It was really classy- and not at all like you'd think a mortuary would be.
