24 January 2010

no se.

I mentioned a few posts ago about how I've been debating on bringing something up.

Well, I finally had the courage to bring it up. I didn't know if I would get an answer that would hurt worse than not knowing, or if the answer would make me feel better. Either way, I know I wanted some insight.

Too bad the answer I got was, "I don't know." No other elaboration, just a shrug of the shoulders. I honestly didn't expect that.
I should have.
I can't help but think the "I don't know" was just a cop-out for an answer I wouldn't like.

Great. Now I have to come to terms with something that I have no closure on and I still have no idea why it happened. I've tried to use my awesome powers of "shrug it off" to make it no big deal, but for some reason it's stuck with me for a long time. Now that I've decided to take a step to get over it, I get halted.

The thing that bugs me the most is not the issue itself, but why the issue bothers me. As I said before, it's easy to shrug things off. Is the fact that it still bugs me some kind of subliminal sign that I made a bad choice? Maybe I'm picking it apart too much.

I guess I'll just leave it in the past where it belongs until I'm reminded of it again, and it will bug me once again.


  1. =(


    We all need hugs.

    Props to you for taking that first step in talking about the issue and such.

    I'm such a wuss. I pick the absolute wrong times when I do say something.

    Need to stop this spiraling down. I just want to breathe easily again.

  2. knowing hurts just as bad...if not worse...i'm in hell right now - because i asked and she told me the truth. then i said something that i wish, with all my heart, that i could take back.
