15 August 2010


So Melissa and I had a charmed Friday the 13th weekend.
Everything just seemed to happen our way.

We headed up to College Station Friday to see Kathy's husband's band play at an icehouse on Lake Bryan. I wore a new dress that I got for $6 on clearance, the band was upbeat, and we had a great time watching all the drunk old people dance.

We managed to get a hotel room for $89 a night at La Salle, a quaint historic hotel in this old-fashioned part of downtown Bryan. Heck yes, a screaming deal and when we got there, we were so surprised at how nice it was. I wanted to take everything from the hotel room home, including the view and this chair. Don't you freaking LOVE it?

We got lost several times, but always managed to get to where we needed, exactly on time, no matter how lost we got. It was uncanny how everything fell into place perfectly.

We were under a sunny, toy-story cloudy sky the whole time.

We took a tour of the Messina Hof winery, tasted grapes straight off the wine, and got to do a wine tasting-- and we even got to keep our glass.

I got amazing gas mileage, even for highway driving.

I came home to this:

punk in her windowsill with the tail hanging out...

and an ice cold room thanks to mom turning on the AC.

I'm thinking these weekend trips to random places need to keep happening, because I had so much fun.

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