02 April 2018

Never say never

I said I'd never date a customer. Absolutely off limits! No way! That's unprofessional!


I went out with Cute Customer last Thursday. I figured, what the hell, why not? We have chemistry. I've been alone since July, my marriage has been over for a while, the wheels of divorce have been set in motion, and a cute guy wants to take me to dinner. Saying no felt wrong.

It was fun. Really! It wasn't awkward at all. He was a gentleman- opening the car door and making sure the restaurant had GF food and such.
He was NICE TO ME. Which is not a big deal in the big scheme of things but it's been a long time since a guy has been nice to me. I had a nice time. Plus we fooled around and I really enjoyed myself. Renewed my self esteem and put a little pep in my step. All good things.

Plus, it turns out he was also apprehensive about going out with a work colleague and we're on the same page about discretion. Sweet. Now I'm trying to make sure this new situation retains a good balance of casual and I like you. Friends with benefits at 33? I'm game. Something tells me it won't work out like that, because it never does, but oh, well. Should be interesting and fun in the meantime.

Anyway. House is ready to list. Bittersweet. I like this cute house. But, while packing up the extra clutter and purging things for the garage sale, I was reminded how I don't want such a big house.

Everything happens for a reason and I'm ready to adapt. Let's go.

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