I have about 5 half-written blog posts sitting in my queue. Lots of travel and work and social activities lately. Long drives through East Texas offer plenty of time for reflection, but I've had hardly any time to document my thoughts.
So, rather than go back and try to finish each post, here is a bullet list of all the major points.
The past few months have been expensive. I had a goal to pad my savings account but instead, travel, home repairs and a new phone have me actually feeling broke. Time to reign it in for a little while.
Arizona: Thanksgiving in Sedona was a brilliant idea. I may never go back to regular Thanksgiving. Suzy suggested a few hikes and to my surprise, I really enjoyed them. Could that be a new cold-weather hobby?
Foxy Grandpa* threw me a surprise birthday party! I was very touched. Seeing my friends and family in his house was a huge deal. Those two worlds should be connected and he's happily facilitating that connection. It's such a stark difference from what I had gotten used to. He's a genuinely nice, happy, friendly person and I consider myself lucky.
*Ashley graciously 'helped'... obviously. No party is thrown without Ashley's expert guidance.
Pumpkin got a checkup at the vet and she's got some arthritis in her hips and the early stages of kidney disease. Nothing major; she's a 15-year old cat. At this point she gets as many treats as she wants and still prefers to sit on my lap and get pets while I drink wine and watch tv.
Work is still hella awesome and I'm digging it.
I started practicing juggling again lately and I'm getting pretty decent. I drop the limes WAY less. Fun party trick: accomplished.
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