06 December 2018


So, I got some parts of my body waxed. Yep, waxed.

Tired of shaving, and the resulting irritation, then being able to see the dark hairs underneath my pale, pale skin even after I shaved, I decided to try it.

I didn't even start small. I went straight for the Brazilian. I read the FAQs on the European Wax Center website, so I stopped shaving for two weeks and Ugh, that was the worst part!

I wasn't sure what to expect, but sure enough, the waxer lady is alllll up close and personal with your nether regions. There's no modesty. You're literally spread out on the table and she gets in and does her job. She even waxed either site of my butt hole, which was weird and maybe unnecessary but the end result was awesome. Literally no hairs remained in the area between my legs. Super smooth. And the best part was, someone else took care of it, and they can see better than I can in those hard-to-reach areas. No shower gymnastics necessary. Plus it stayed that way for a couple of weeks.

Overall, not as painful as I expected. Of course I've done a little at-home waxing before, so I'm not a total stranger to the pain. I flinched a few times. Post-wax, my skin was a little red but not painful.

I really enjoyed not having to shave. No ingrown hairs, no irritation, no accidental cuts. Continued exfoliation and moisturization was key while it slowly grew back out.

Six weeks later, the hair had grown back in all patchy and I went in again. This time, I got my armpits waxed too. Again, growing it out was the worst part. The underarms actually hurt worse than the undercarriage, but the pain is fleeting and it is so, SO worth it. No dark shadow and no irritation from shaving every day. I love my armpits now.

Strange thing to say, but I'll happily give money to a stranger to rip out my body hair, even in very intimate areas.

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