23 July 2020

adjustments and integrations and such

This is life right now. Everything is still messy and I'm trying not to let it make me crabby. Trying to focus on the fact that each room is slowly looking cleaner, brighter, and fresher. It really is slowly transforming into a new house. 
It doesn't quite feel like home yet, though.

It's hard to go through your physical objects and try to merge them. We are both splitting our things into categories: Keep for home, Keep for the lake house, and Donate. All of my stuff is in storage, so it's really all on FG right now. Most of his decor was picked out by his ex wife 10 years ago and has Got to Go. He's been pretty good about it but it's a struggle sometimes because I'm trying not to make him feel like I'm forcing him to get rid of stuff. It's a delicate process.

We went to the storage unit today and picked up a few of my things. I am eager to start putting my stuff in the house so it'll feel like my home. The problem is, there's not much I can bring back into the house until it's done being painted, because right now it will just be more stuff to shuffle around from room to room. 

I prioritized and got my craft table set up in my office, and that makes me so, so happy. I have a space that I can call mine and retreat to and sew or whatever and I love it. 

So there's another few weeks of feeling like I'm camping out at FG's house until I can really start to integrate. It's okay, I can deal- I have my craft table now. That was oddly important.

I'll still have to store things like my kitchen table and bed for the lake house, but it's nice to have a clear direction in the meantime. Even after purging so much prior to moving, it's easy to get rid of things that don't fit. If I'm indifferent and FG doesn't like it, it gets tossed into the donate pile. We both rarely fight for things and if we do, we know that it stays and we'll find a way to make it work. After all, it's just stuff.

One thing that made the cut for our home: this bookshelf, which I love.

Honestly, it's been a lot of work but it's been fun to integrate the things we love the most and get rid of the things that don't really matter.

Other important news. We started locking Pumpkin in the game room on the other side of the house at night, because her nighttime meowing was really starting to interrupt FG's sleep. I am pretty much used to it after 17 years, but I do have to admit that I don't miss the cat hair in bed and I do sleep better without the meows. 

But then there's the dog. He sleeps in the bedroom in his little bed and I am NOT used to his noises. Ugh, he makes so many little scratching, licking, whimpering noises and I'm about ready to kick him out, too. I'm giving it a couple of weeks to get used to. Like I said, the hardest part about moving in together has been tolerating each others' pets.

We had to cancel our trip to Vegas this weekend because we have so much to do and the city is half shut down anyway so it won't be much of a trip. I'm still sad. I was looking forward to seeing Luke. I kept my PTO for tomorrow so I get a 3-day weekend. I'm ok with that. It will be nice to relax a little and complete a few pending projects around here. 

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