I love jalapenos so much, but holy crap my stomach is killing me now! I wish I had a heating pad over at the boyfriend's place.
I saw the bum again, the one that I wrote about a while back. She was standing there at the corner holding her sign, and I was watching her thinking about giving her some banana bread that was in my bag but the light turned too soon. Anyway when I was sitting there watching her, she started talking and gesturing to "someone" next to her. My guess is she was hallucinating? It was just odd to witness that after I JUST turned in a paper on schizophrenia two days ago.
It made me think about how many people suffer from mentall illness that wind up in that kind of situation because it's gotten so bad they can't function normally in society. I wonder how many of those homeless crazies would be able to function if they were just given medication or therapy? I know a lot of homeless are that way because of drug abuse, but some just happen to be unfortunate without a support system. Just makes you think.
I'm not the most politically active person, and even though I've sat through government courses (and made A's), I don't know exactly how the government works or what's going on in DC. I can't explain the election process. I'm not even sure what's going on over in Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever we are right now. I don't have an opinion on the oil crisis or any of that, the only reason being ignorance.
I just recently learned why on earth there's such a big deal about the Olympics this year (for those of you who want to know, China has been killing Tibetian protesters [protesting over what? I dunno. religion or politics?] and people are pissed off at China because of it, so they are protesting the Olympics, which are being held in China.) At least I think that's what's going on.
I don't pay attention it, because to be honest, I just don't care. I know I should because it will eventually affect me and it's my government and all that, but from day to day, I really have other things that I'm more interested in. I used to watch the news every day but it seems to me like everything that is "news" is negative. It would make me anxious and I just don't want to worry about it. Then, I get apathetic and as a result have no idea what's going on.
They need to have a "politically confused" website that boils all current events down and explains them so that people like me can understand that's going in the world. I want to be able to participate in conversations further than "oh yeah I heard about that." I want to form opinions and discuss theories and be able to hold my own in those types of conversations. Maybe once classes end this summer I will make it a point to become more knowledgeable.
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