Oy. What a week!
I ended my organic chemistry lab career, horray! I even managed to clean the round bottom flask that contained burned isopentyl acetate and was NOT budging. Oven cleaner finally worked, only after trying about a ten other solvents. If I was unable to get it clean it would mean about 50 bucks. I don't think so. I also broke a 50-mL Erlenmeyer flask when I was setting the glassware out on the lab bench for checkout. Of course. A quick trip to the research store in the next building and $3 later it was all good, though.
The remainder of the week was spent going to class, work, and spending every free moment writing the last scientific report for biochemistry lab. Let me tell you, that thing was a doozy.
Next week are finals. Organic 8am Wednesday, which consists of two seperate tests: ACS and the UH final. The UH exams are bad enough without adding on another one. I also have to watch 12 hours of lecture and read who knows HOW many psychology chapters for my final on Thursday. Between all the organic chemistry and biochemistry exams, papers and labs I haven't been able to watch any. Double Oy.
I registered for classes next semester and realized I only have 12 more hours at UH. This summer I have to apply to Med Tech schools and then after the fall semester I have a whole entire spring and summer until Med Tech school starts. I have ideas of what I'm going to do with that time, but none are concrete. We'll see, you never know what will happen. It still irks me that I'd be all ready to go to Med Tech school this coming fall if it weren't for that effing one semester that my advisor screwed me over, pushing graduation back an entire year. Triple Oy.
After my grueling week of sleep deprivation and stress breakouts, and with the thought of another grueling week ahead of me, I treated myself to a pedicure today. It took a whole hour, the lady I go to does such a good job. I've gone to her for years, but don't go that often and when I do I tip well, so she always gives me an extra long calf massage.
Chris kept asking what was going on with the lady that hit my car and left a dent (I mentioned it a while back) and I told him I've been putting off checking my email because it's just been one big argument back and forth. I get so infuriated when I have to deal with it. I've been putting it off because I've had other school stuff to focus on and it would just distract me. So, he said he'd take care of the whole thing so I wouldn't have to. Honestly, he is amazing.
I've got lots to look forward to (mainly sleep) after these next two weeks, so I gues let's get to it.
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