The crawfish boil was lots of fun. I spent the majority of the day running around. It seems like every time I sat down, someone I knew showed up and I had to go say hello, show them where the food was, etc. Everyone was kinda scattered around so in order to see everyone, lots of running around was necessary. Even though I was exhausted and slightly sunburned at the end of the day, it was a really great time. I'm really glad that a lot of people I haven't seen lately came.
And last night I got possibly the best compiment I've ever gotten. A compliment so sincere and so deep that I wasn't sure what to say. I mean, wow. Someone thinks that highly of me? I just have to say that nothing else ever has been like that. I'm positively giddy, and things just seem to keep getting better.
Except. Someone drank all the Dr. Peppers. :o)
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