16 March 2009

keep it up

Today I woke up to sunshine pouring in through my sunny yellow curtains, and the distinct feeling that it was no longer cold outside. I was right! It went from chilly and rainy all day yesterday to sunny in the 70's, not a cloud in the sky. That's Houston for you.

I had a dream last night that I moved to California. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. It's been part of my plan for years and years, and if things go right, I'll be making that final decision within the next couple of years. Oh, I wish it were sooner.

I'm so anxious to move on with my life- for once I feel like school is holding me back. When I was younger, I was always one of the youngest kids in my class, so I've always felt a little ahead of the game. Now I'm 24 and still in school, while most of my friends have graduated or are very near it, starting new lives and careers, getting married, and starting families.

Not that I want to get married and have babies, but I feel like everyone around me is progressing and I'm stuck here in the past. I'm tired of being poor. I'm tired of the never-ending studying- at least when you have a job you leave that at work at the end of the day. School follows me everywhere.
I've been feeling this way for quite some time and it sucks to be stuck. I gotta just keep on truckin'- and complain about it every once in a while, I guess. I know I should see the bright side, because once I get to working full-time the grass will probably be greener on the other side and I'll wish I was still in school. Yeah, we'll see...

Anyways, now that it's great weather, I want to plan some fun things for the week. It's harder, though, now that more of my friends have graduated and don't get spring break. I want to head to Galveston at some point and see what it's like down there. Bonfire, anyone?


  1. Yes. Bonfire!

    Trust me, we all feel that way in school. Now that I'm about to graduate I'm starting to look back on the entire experience and I gotta say "wow. it was pretty awesome". This despite feeling, for a large portion of my college career, the way you feel now. Keep your chin up!

    again: Bonfire!!!!Beach!!Camping!!
