15 March 2009


^ Look what I made. :o) The seams are not perfectly straight and there were a few instances of, "Next time I make one, I'll do this differently," but it turned out pretty darn okay. Yay!

It's pouring rain and thundering again today. Oh darn, looks like another day of laying around.

I went bowling last night with my brothers and sisters, my uncle, Ash's boyfriend and a friend of theirs. It was fun, I forget how much I like bowling even though I suck at it. If only it were cheaper.


  1. Holy crap... that bag is CUTE!! I'm mad jealous. Please tell me you followed a pattern and didn't just make that up!

  2. you went bowling without me? we have to go bowling again...

  3. awesome bag!! Make me one :-)

  4. The anonymous comment was mine, haha, I forgot that I was not logged in to Blogger!
