I woke my ass up at 7 O'CLOCK this morning. I can't remember the last time I got up that early. I also can't remember the last time I could stomach 2 whole cups of coffee. I got up early so I could help my mom in the office this morning. It turns out she didn't really need me so I've been doing my calculus homework, half of which I don't understand and I'm just copying from the solutions manual. That exam next week is going to funn.
I have to go pee in a cup sometime before Friday and get tested for illegal substances before I can continue my enrollment plans for Hospital A. I always get so paranoid that my pee will get mixed up with someone else's and it will come up positive. I wonder how often that happens?
I'm also kind of annoyed at my insurance. My anti-baby pills run out next week, but I can't schedule another annual violation to get another prescription until 3 more weeks. Why? Because for some reason I ran out of the pills before my insurance will let me make another appointment. I tried to get them to call in another refill just to hold me over but the nurse kept arguing with me that I should still have some left. I don't know how that happened but it did. I got frustrated and decided it wasn't worth it to keep arguing. So I will be off the pill for 2 weeks before I can get my prescription refilled, screwing up my cycle. Joy.
Not sure what kind you use, but I have the Femicon? brand 1 month supply that I haven't used (and won't be lol). Want them? Just give me a call.