02 March 2009

My Day

Today was the definition of Monday.

I woke up at 7am, after a very restless sleep full of dreams that I wouldn't wake up at 7am. I did. Then pushed the snooze button a couple of times.

I got up, quickly got dressed, and inhaled half a bowl of cereal before I noticed the milk was a little off. Too late now. Finished the bowl, poured my coffee into a road cup, and was putting my glasses on my face and out the door when I stopped.
WTF. Crooked. My glasses were crooked. I did find them on the floor next to my bed... I blame it on the cat.

I ran inside and stuck my contacts in my eyes, which cooperated. Thank you, contacts.

I sat in traffic, then got behind a ubiquitous slow-moving truck pulling a trailer full of Mexicans and lawn mowers for a few miles, then finally made it to work 20 minutes late. After a quick chat with Jackie, I put the kitties in my car and drove them to the humane society for their shots. The whole way there I got a lovely chorus of meow meow meow mrow mrrow meow...

I got out and sat in the clinic waiting an hour and a half for them to be seen. The way it works is first come first serve, so you gotta get there early to sign in. While I was waiting I brought my evolutionary textbook. About 15 minutes into that, the resident one-eyed cat that wanders around the place decided that he liked me. He climbed onto my book, as ALL cats do. What kind of person would I be if I didn't pet the one-eyed cat?? So I pet him for a while and people/ animal watched. Lots of interesting folks and animals. It was a busy place.

So anyway we got that done and I headed back to work. When I took the kitties out I noticed a wet spot in my car. Oh Lord, one of them peed. In my car. So Jackie tried to clean it up but it still smells a little funky. I need to get that shampooed. Ugh- I can never get away from cat pee!!

I went to work around the office, then ran to the post office. Except I spaced out on the way there and went to Fed Ex out of habit instead. I turned around and went to the post office. I had to mail a letter using that automated machine, and the label that it printed out covered the address. So I looked around for a pen. Nada. I went to my car and found a pen, which of course quit working halfway through ghetto-rigging the envelope. So I licked it, even though that almost never works, and tried to get it to work again. It did... intermittently. I hope it was good enough, haha.

On the way back from work I noticed my tank was literally on E, so I got gas. Not eventful. *whew* I got to work and the rest of the afternoon went ok.

At 4 I headed to class and on the way ran over some debris in the road that everyone else managed to avoid in time. Then when I got close to school I noticed the road felt really bumpy. "Please not a flat tire," I prayed. When I got out and looked, it wasn't flat. I was just paranoid. Wonder why?? I got to school, printed out my notes, got Starbucks and made it through class.

Now I'm eating "rice-a-roni" and green breans. I'm freaking tired dude.


  1. HAHA "What kind of person would I be if I didn't pet the one-eyed cat??"

    That was very funny.

  2. For some reason I couldn't leave a comment on your newest post, so I'll leave it here instead.
    Sorry about how things are going, and I hope you figure out a good way to deal. Maybe I don't feel all the same things, but a whole lot of what you wrote is very reminiscent of some of the crap I went through with Joe.
    We broke up completely at least twice because of him having issues that he needed to work though, even though we both did really love each other. It sucked. In my case though, I was the only one fighting and the only one with that ridiculous and foolish hope that things would work out somehow, someway. He was lost in his own world too much to fight.
    I was reading back through some old blog posts of mine to see if there were any good tidbits in there to share with you, but stopped because I don't honestly even like reading back through some of that stuff. Some really great stuff happened to me during that time, but underneath it there was always just an open wound. I wish I could give you some advice, but there were some rough spots that I don't even know how I muddled through. But it will get muddled through eventually. One day at a time?
