24 July 2012


Today I left work slightly irritated that I had to stay a little late.

While I was waiting for the light to change at the freeway, aiming the air conditioning vents on full blast at my face, I saw a bum holding a sign on the median. Nothing new; it's actually a very popular spot. My first thought was, "I hope he doesn't try to wash my windows." So I kept an eye on him.

He was a slim, stooped, elderly black man, holding a sign describing himself as a homeless vet with cancer. For the record, I don't care if some of those stories are made up; they always tug my heartstrings.

As I watched, the person a couple cars head of me handed him two large ziplock bags. I could see they contained a water bottle and some various other things. That was different. Usually people hand out a few bucks.

The thing that really struck me was the man's reaction. Most give a nod of thanks and move on to the next car.

When this man looked at the bags, his face lit up so brightly it struck me. It touched my heart. I think if the light had changed at that moment, I would not have been able to move my car. I was transfixed, staring at this man smiling a gappy-toothed smile so big, I couldn't stop my own from forming in response. I felt absolutely giddy looking at this joyful man and his new treasures. It was a moment that I can not explain or replicate.

He stood there, nodding in appreciation while he inspected the contents of the bags. As the light changed, he hobbled over to his backpack a few feet away and placed them there for safekeeping.

The absolute joy radiating from that man made me re-inspect my own life in the blink of an eye. I didn't try to, or want to. It just happened. It was if he walked up to my window, poked me with a finger and said, "Look at what you've got."

I have literally everything that is important in life. Everything. I have more than everything.

I drove away in my air-conditioned car while he settled down in 100-degree heat with a bottle of lukewarm water and some crackers... and a giant smile on his face.

Oh, my God. I am an ungrateful brat. I literally spend most of my time pissed off and feeling entitled and throwing fits about work. And feeling sorry for myself because I miss my fiancee so much. And wishing I had things that I don't.

I feel ashamed of how I've felt recently, and acted.

The fact is, there really are homeless veterans with cancer. And much worse.

It's been a long time since I've thought that I should be lucky to have anything in my life, especially a job. I don't know where it went. I used to feel grateful all the time, I guess because I walked through a sea of cancer patients every day.

I don't know exactly what else I want to say about this, but I felt like I should share.

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