This was written a couple days ago and I guess I forgot to hit "Publish."
-The bathroom alarm clock is working amazingly. I have not been late for work once since I've made that decision. And I've gone a few days with mascara on these lashes, too.
-Teeth are healing nicely. The swelling went down on that one side and revealed a small hole, so there are now two. Still a little tug of pain if I try to open wide- say, to take a bite of a sandwich or yawn, but it's very minor.
After everything was said and done, the pain was way less intense than it was with the infections, and I can actually eat with fewer problems now-- and that's with the holes. No more accidentally chomping down on a swollen gum and flinching in pain.
The only inconvenience is flushing out the holes after I eat. I pretty much can't skip that because it's super annoying to feel it all. It's like you've got something stuck in your teeth and can't get it out, only it's not a tiny piece of parsley; it's a chunk of food. Overall, I'm very happy I had this taken care of. I feel like my quality of life has improved now that I've gotten rid of the constant pain in my mouth.
-Speaking of Chompers, Ashley has a new kitten named Chompers. He's ADORABLE!! The pictures I have are sucky from my phone and it just looks like dark colored cat. Come to think of it, I'm surprised there aren't pictures all over facebook that I can steal. Get on that, Ash.
- Speaking of crappy phones, today I dropped mine in my lunch and it got tomato sauce all up in the crevices. I cleaned it as best I could, but it still smells like lunch. Ugh. This is why I do not have a smart phone.
-Speaking of smart phones, today I checked twitter and saw that Frank had posted this:
Yeah, that's my little brother bragging about Chris. I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I think the official announcement has been made with the people that Chris works with, so I guess it's ok now. For the record, you get into the platoon first- they picked 4 out of the 36 that applied- and afterwards get into the school. He is now part of the platoon.
How badass, right?? I think he just got sexier. Just sayin'
Also I got the cutest picture from him the other day. I passed my phone around the table and made everyone tell me how damn cute he is.
I think those floppy hats are adorable. I mean, manly. Very manly.
So that's all my recent news that I care to talk about.
P.S. I can marry him now; he likes lima beans
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