09 July 2012

lima beans and other thoughts

I like lima beans. Especially the frozen ones that come in the frozen "mixed veggie" bag. Or the occasional lima bean in a vegetable soup. I like the texture. I like the shape. I like the taste-- although I can't really tell you what they taste like; I just assume I like the taste. It must be mostly a texture thing.

One of the slow realizations I'm having since my whole, "I have Celiac disease and therefore must learn to cook for myself" phase started and has morphed into "I have to cook for myself because I have to eat," and, more recently, "I have to learn how to cook because once I'm living with Chris I'll be expected to feed not only myself, but him, too," is that sometimes I like different foods than he does.

For instance, I like crunchy celery in things like tuna salad. I like cooking with green bell peppers. I don't cook with meat very often, for no particular reason. He does not share these preferences. There are things that he loves, that I like in miniscule doses, like raw onion. Then there's the gluten issue. Sometimes there is just no substitute for a bunch of gluten shoved into his piehole.

In general, he is not a picky eater. Everything I've ever served him, he's eaten, in its entirety, without any complaints. Including tuna salad with crunchy celery in it. And slightly burned grilled cheese.

I've seen him cook maybe twice, and one of those times was grilling. That's not to say he can't cook, or won't cook, but for some reason I see myself being the future major food-preparer. Possibly because I have more cooking experience in general, and also more cooking experience with food that won't kill me.

So what if I want to cook things he doesn't like? Or he starts requesting things that I don't like?
What about things of the gluten variety that just aren't very good gluten free? I'm used to things of that nature, but a man's got a right to eat whatever he wants in his own home.
We can't constantly eat two separate meals, and the cross contamination nightmares are already beginning.

In general, I'm looking forward to having someone else to cook for, because I'll be less likely to eat a bag of microwave popcorn and an apple for dinner every night all week.

I suppose we will cross this bridge when we come to it, but every time I make a meal I think to myself, "I wonder if Chris would enjoy this?

Which is why I texted him today asking him if he liked lima beans.

I'm hoping the answer is yes.

1 comment:

  1. that was the perfect way to end this posting! i give it a 10!
