06 May 2018

small encounter

This weekend I was kicked out of my house for a showing and I went to the local coffee shop.

I ordered a coffee and sat down at one of the tables with my laptop, reading some emails and catching up on some work. I was slightly crabby as my allergies were acting up and all I really wanted to do was take a nap.

There was a little boy, probably about 1-2 years old, who was playing in the corner of the coffee shop with his dad (?). At some point he walked up to me and handed me a domino.

He was really freaking adorable and I have no idea why he felt the need to hand me a domino, but it made me feel good; like according to a small child I was warm enough to be approachable.

Maybe I am sending out good vibes even while I'm reading work emails and stressed about everything possible in life.

Maybe the cute little guy just wanted to share his dominoes.

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