29 July 2019

adapt some more

Oh, it was so hard to pull out of my driveway today. I did not want to leave home. I'm so tired of traveling. Like, physically tired. But, I work hard so I can pay the mortgage on a nice house for my cat to live in, right?

So I made the 6-hour drive to the border, again. Not that I'm keeping track, but my Hilton honors app is, and this is my 5th week here. Racking up some serious hotel cred. Our upcoming Memphis and New Orleans lodging will be completely paid with points and there's a good chance I'll hit Diamond status this year. (Which means I get a reserved VIP parking spot and that just tickles me haha)

Currently drinking wine that my employer paid for, listening to Deanna Carter circa 1996, in a dimly lit hotel room and feeling annoyed that I accidentally stabbed my finger trying to remove the pit from an avocado. I swear I hit bone and it hurts like hell and won't stop bleeding.
It was a perfect avocado, though.

The good hotel with the kitchen was booked up until Wednesday, so for now I'm holed up in the Embassy Suites, which always makes me reminisce about family vacations. It's a little less magical now than when I was a kid, but at least this room has a wet bar and fridge. I'm getting better at travel meals and I had a really good salad for dinner... that included a perfect avocado.

This weekend went by in a blur. The engagement party was great. When Missy walked in, I heard her say, "Oh, wow, this is just what I wanted!" which made me happy. I wanted her to feel loved and celebrated, and I think it was a success. It's obvious they adore each other and it makes me happy to see her so happy. I was so busy hosting/ having fun that I did not get pictures of the super cute decorations that I worked so hard on. Oh, well.

In other news, I started eating a prune every morning with my gummy vitamin, and I swear it's helped make my digestive system happier. I think they're better when they're cold.

Also my skin has been so much better. I'm paying attention to my diet to see what I eat around the time I get a breakout, and so far I'm targeting/ experimenting with/ limiting/ ruling out: red meat, beans, chocolate, and peanuts. I really miss peanut butter but haven't been able to rule it out as a trigger, so I tried sunflower butter and while it's not peanut butter, it's not bad.

I'm also trying to choose organic/non-gmo foods when I can, because I've done a little research and... *shudder*. However, it's not exactly cheap and I can only afford so much, ya know?

*Stops typing to sing along*
Love aiiinttt worth maakkinnnnn, when it makes you the fooooool...

Anyways, my belly is feeling much better and I've put on a few pounds and I am happy about that. I feel softer and less bony. I also bought some new bras and although I've dropped a cup size, I am happy to have bras that fit. Overall, between the happy belly and the happy skin, and everything else wonderful in my life, I'm doing quite well.

The next things to tackle on my house to-do list are paint the last living room wall, then start on my bathroom. The problem is, I have to be HOME to do those things.

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