11 September 2019


I am tired.

Why is it only Wednesday? It feels like it should be two Fridays ago.

I've been working on this install all week, with a definite hard stop date of Friday. I absolutely need to finish validations and hand over the reports by Friday because I have no additional time this month to come back and work on it.

This should have been an easy install, but there have been a lot of random setbacks. Like no plasma onsite, and the waste being plumbed to nowhere, and frozen reagent trays, and the water being shut off.

I'm on track, but the lack of wiggle room is a little stressful and has me putting in some long days just so I can get some wiggle room but I can't seem to get it, so maybe the long days are necessary.

But today, my uterus has been hurting and I had to really focus all day long, and my lunchtime coffee did nothing, and now I'm plain drained.

I planned to go to yoga but worked too late. Got back to the hotel room and made a taco casserole from some leftovers, then got up and made some more, and now I'm full and wondering if it's too early to settle into bed.

Still wrestling with the guilt that comes from leaving Pumpkin alone for so many days. If it wasn't for that, I think I'd really enjoy all this traveling a lot more.

I had more to say, but I'm tired. Peace.

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