24 April 2012

50 Shades... 2

So the second book.


Did it live up to my expectations? Absolutely. The sex got toned down, but was still present and got a little more creative. I did have to roll my eyes every time they climaxed together and he called out her name. Sheesh.

I got a lot of answers to my questions, unraveled a lot more of the main characters, and got a little details about some of the supporting characters. I found myself wishing that I had a ton of money. Man, it would be nice.

There were some fun plot twists. I hate how you can see things coming way before they happen. This book throws random crap out at you and it's awesome. I was wondering how the author was going to embellish the love story. She did it well. I liked how the "romance" developed further among all of these underlying stories, but holy crap they move fast. When you stop to think, it all happens in a few days. How intense, but how typical of a novel.

I noticed that a lot of foreshadowing occurs with a facial expression from Christian. You can't skim over that stuff, or you'll miss a tip-off about something. Actually, I skimmed very little in this book, which is not typical for me. 

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I liked it better than the first. I don't know how much of this was planted in my head by drew, but at the end of the book I got an x-files scene in my head, how at the end of an episode the smoking man would be there, tainting the happy ending with his smoky impending drama. I was impressed, though. I thought her dick boss was out of the picture. Totally didn't see that coming, and I'd love to see how he's connected.

On to book three. Looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I'm going to just have to read these books already. I hope the third is as good!
