I was digging in the garden a few days ago to plant the bazaar wins, and unearthed a mushroom. Random.
I like watching Oprah talk with Paula Deen in their pajamas.
Finished the last 50 Shades book. Loved it. The 3rd book is the best. Now I need another book to read.
I miss Chris enormously.
I need to do some more CEs. Merh. Make me do them.
Gluten free chocolate donuts.
I finally bought a wine rack. Now my random bottles of booze look classy.
Hip still smarts. That'll teach me to do a cartwheel. I remember when I could do those easy peasy... only a few years ago. Jeez, I don't want to be getting old yet.
I've always wanted to try fried green tomatoes.
My new house has a built-in wine rack :) yay for classy booze!!