14 April 2012

I really like my dishwashing gloves

It's Saturday. That means I eat cocoa pebbles for breakfast instead of cinnamon chex. Whoo I'm a wild child y'all. I miss the days when Chris would practically beg me to make pancakes or waffles or eggs on weekends. I sometimes do, but it's easier to eat cereal.

You guys, my kitschy dishwashing gloves have died. Not 30 minutes after Ashley told me she thought they looked creepy hanging to dry, I started washing dishes. That's when I realized they somehow got full of holes in the fingertips. I think they died of shame. Geez, Ash.

That explains the pile of stinky dishes currently in my sink. I can't do dishes without gloves! Especially since there are a bunch of funky cat food bowls in there and it's pretty gross. I'm not touching that.

Today I'll go out and get another pair. I got a list of stuff to do a mile long. Some of it has been put off for a while. Ashley wanted to hang out, so maybe I'll make her run errands with me. I can usually bribe her with the promise of lunch or a pair of shoes.

Speaking of doing things with my sister, I'm so glad that Suzy will be in town this summer. Frankish will be there, too, finishing up his degree with an internship. I miss them so much! It will be interesting having 4/5 of the kids back in the house, and having all of us in the same city. We should try to get our ever-elusive family pic done. That's always... fun.

1 comment:

  1. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE HOME AND HAVE A WALGREENS BUDDY AGAIN!! :) And inform you of all the freaking dramatics of college life over tea, and wine, and little women again! Ahh!! I miss my Jenevive!! :)
