I love baking soda. It's cheap, and if you google it, you can find a bajillion things to do with it. Some things sound a little, "ehhh," but here are some things I actually use it for.
-Obviously, in baking. Use it when there is an acidic ingredient, such as cocoa, molasses, brown sugar, or applesauce. Use 1/8 t. baking soda for every 1 c. flour.
You can also use it to create rise in vegan recipes. Use 1 t. baking soda and 1 T. vinegar to replace the egg. I've tried it and it really works.
-Anything smelly gets a dose of baking soda.
I've used it in the kitty litter box, but don't really have that problem anymore since she goes outside.
Sometimes after I store something really garlicky in a food container it will still smell after washing. Stick some baking soda in there and let it sit for a couple days.
Smelly shoes? Fill an old sock with baking soda and shove it in there when they're not being worn. Or better yet, buy new shoes!
If a drain is smelling funky or gets sluggish, pour some baking soda down the drain and follow up with some vinegar. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then flush with water.
Also, there have been plenty of times when food has become baked on to a pan or dish, and baking soda really makes cleaning easier.
I keep a small dish full of baking soda in the freezer, and I have a cute little penguin that you can fill with baking soda for the fridge. There are little holes in his back that let the air flow through. I think I got it at a garage sale for 25 cents years ago. Go me!
-I keep a small container in my bathroom and I use it to:
Polish my teeth and freshen my breath- just sprinkle a little on the toothbrush/toothpaste and brush as usual. Don't do this every day because it might irritate your gums.
Exfoliate my face. A lot of exfoliators are too grainy and harsh for the face, but a paste of baking soda and water works great. It's a fine grain and isn't irritating.
Sometimes during the summer I'll dust a little on my underarms after applying antiperspirant. Let's be honest, no amount of deoderant/antiperspirant can keep you from sweating in the middle of July. Extra smell protection is always good.
I clean my combs and hairbrushes by soaking them in a baking soda/ warm water combo. I just fill the sink before I leave in the morning and come home to clean brushes. Easy peasy.
Okay, that's enough baking soda love. Do you use it for something that I forgot to mention?
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