Oh, the bittersweet Sunday. Still a free day, but you know you know you gotta get your shit together for the week.
I saw Extract last night. It was pretty good; about what you'd expect. After the movie we got some dessert at 59 diner. It was fun, and it was really nice to get away from the books for a while.
Some links to things I like:
-The Edge Brownie Pan. For the edge-brownie lovers like me. It even comes with a free spatula. It's not really a new product anymore, but it's still really cool.
-Quizlet. I just discovered this website because my classmates use it to share study notes. At first I was skeptical, but I really love it. Basically you make flash cards, and then you can test yourself a few different ways.
My favorite is to use the "learn" method. It gives you a term, and you have to type in the answer. If you get it wrong, it re-tests you on those terms until you get it right. It's basically like writing these things over and over until they're in your head really well. I find it better than using regular flash cards, because I learn better when I write/type things than when I just try to arbitrarily remember them.
It's also really cool because you can share flash cards. I can use any set that my classmates post, and sometimes they think of things that I forgot, or they have a different perspective that's easier to remember.
It's a very cool new study technique. I did pretty well on our first exam and that's the only thing I used to study.
-My sister Suzy has a new project: 365 Days of Suzy. A photo every day for a year. It's a great idea and I hope she keeps it up. Check it out.
-A reusable lunch bag tutorial. I bring my lunch every day for two reasons. 1: the obvious fear of being glutened and the hassle of asking questions in the busy hospital cafeteria. 2: it's cheap!
My lunch is usually more than can fit in a normal brown bag-sized bag, and this little tote bag looks so easy and cute. I am very paranoid about leaks, though, so I think I'd use oilcloth, a plastic-lined tablecloth, or make the inner layer a cheap shower curtain liner. Hm, should I do this today? Or should I resume studying? We shall see...
-Another cute idea I found at that same blog.
Okay, time to get a move on. Happy Sunday.
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