30 September 2009

hump day update

-My newest creation:

I have made other ones besides white, I just haven't taken any pictures. Now if only I had an opportunity to wear it.

-The toilet is fixed. Now I don't have to put on pants and trip over laundry baskets to go pee.

-I just realized that I don't get to sleep in for 2 Saturdays in a row because this weekend is the breast cancer walk. Friday we have a practical and there is a morning and afternoon group. Most people want to get the morning group so they can finish early, but I'd love to sleep in and take the practical in the afternoon. I think I can ask to be in the afternoon group. I miss sleep dearly.

-We got news today that they were going to start enforcing the "no food or drinks" policy in classrooms. GAY. I totally count on lecture time as time I can snack so I'm not starving during the day, or if I'm running late I can eat my dry cereal and drink my coffee during lecture. Even our teacher doesn't like the change. She likes her coffee just as much as everyone else.

-Holy crap, tomorrow is the first day of October already. I hope it cools down soon because this heat blows.

-At some point here soon, I'm going to try and make my own hard candy. I'll let you know how that goes...

1 comment:

  1. I just now realize it's October because of this blog post. OMG.
