Today I went to grab my cell phone, but I couldn't find it. I looked around for a bit, in the couch cushions and my pockets, then decided that it was probably on my car seat or dropped on the ground next to the car.
Except, I couldn't find my keys. I looked in the door to see if I forgot to take them out when I came in, and they weren't there. They weren't in the bathroom, my purse, my desk drawers, etc.
I looked around for a good fifteen minutes wondering where on earth I could have lost both my cell phone and my keys, since I have to have my keys to get in the door and I remember taking my cell phone off of the cigarette lighter charger.
Where did I eventually find them? The fridge, all nice and cold. I probably put them there, but I don't remember that at all.
I think I'm cracking up ya'll, haha.
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