I can't believe it's only Wednesday. I am seriously going to have to lower my standards if I want to keep myself sane. Do I really have to make A's? Hm...
Today I saw another body. I was waiting for the elevator with a few of my classmates to go get lunch. It was after an early exam and a particularly dry lecture on automated instrumentation, and I was in a really burnt-out slap-happy mood.
The elevator doors opened, and we were greeted with a human form inside a red velvet bag. Try to imagine the trail my eyes took: from the doors to the edge of the stretcher, to the velvet-covered feet, up the lumps and forms of the body, to the man standing at the head of the stretcher.
The man was the cutest little old man you ever saw. Not frail, but not huge either. White hair, round friendly face. He looked like he should have been working behind a soda counter way back in the day instead of rolling a body around.
Anyway, he looked up at us, and I'm sure our faces were priceless. He smiled and and said, "There's room for more!" I'm sure you're thinking he probably said it in a slightly mocking way, but he sounded as genuine as a guy that's standing in the elevator all by himself. If this was a movie and the body wasn't in the shot, you'd think you were being invited to sit at the soda counter to have a treat.
Well, there were quite a few of us and if we all squeezed in, we'd most definitely be squished up against the body. Kinda smiling awkwardly, we declined and said we'd wait for the next elevator.
Once inside the next elevator we all kinda laughed, and just as the doors were opening at the next floor I said rather loudly, "Since when do they put bodies in red velvet bags??" Of course, the cute old man was wheeling by just as I said that, and I hope he didn't think I was being rude. Doesn't matter now! Either way I'm guessing the bodies are going to be a regular occurence.
I also fell into a giggling fit in the middle of lecture today when my instructor accidentally said "little bitty tit cell" instead of "little bitty red cell." I whispered to Kathy, who was sitting next to me, "Did she just say little bitty TIT cell?!"
She started laughing, which set me off, and we both sat there trying not to laugh, which made us laugh harder. I felt like a little kid again goofing off in class. Of course the instructor called us out and asked what was so funny, and when we told her no one else laughed. Wow, I felt like a dorkus and quickly sobered up and tried to focus on the lecture. I was partially successful, and my eyes glazed over a few times.
Like I said, I was super slap-happy today.
Oh yeah, remember how I said the plumber was coming "tomorrow?" Well, I think we all knew in reality that wasn't happening. It's an enormous pain in the ass to not have a working toilet and I really hope it's not one of those home projects that sits there unfinished for months...
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