08 September 2009

diggin' it, cats in boxes

This morning, I made blood smears and stained them. This afternoon I kicked some ass at a Jeopardy-type exam review and got to pick a prize: a pack of hiliters. Woo! Then I spent the rest of the day trying to identify abnormal red blood cell morphology in case studies.

Be still, my heart.

This is not to say that I'm not really tired, or that I don't have a shit-ton to study before the first exam friday, but at least my days are spent in a happy place.

Another thing.

Dayna sent me this link for a "Kitt-In Box" a long time ago:

Then, a few days ago Missy mentioned it and we laughed at how our bad cats would never sit in it; they'd just use it as a launching pad and lay all over the desk anyway.

Well, the cheap-o Amazon box from this post somehow ended up on my desk, and when I started studying tonight here's what happened:

My very own ghetto kitt-in box. She just sits there and licks herself, watches me, or naps. I bet you if I had bought something like a kitt-in box, she would ignore it. But, since it's the Amazon box, it's her favorite spot.

1 comment:

  1. Whoah!! I am HIGHLY impressed with your box! ...Jedi would probably bite the box. And then continue to harass me.
