The last few days have been nothing but go, go go. I take that back. That's the last few weeks.
Thanks to Ashley, Collin, and FG, we managed to fit everything into the uhaul and the truck in 1 trip, stacked like a mishmash of tetris and hillbillies, and I did have to get another storage unit but that's okay because we/they got it done. FG and Collin did the heavy lifting, and Ashley did serious work fitting the rest of it skillfully into the uhaul.
My house is sparkling clean and ready to hand off to the new owner. When I took a look around the house and locked up, I didn't even feel sad. I always knew that would be a transition house, and it served its purpose well.
Too bad we're not closing tomorrow, and no alternate date has been suggested. Not ideal for anyone, really. I have to pay another month's mortgage but at least I have somewhere to live.
Back at FG's house, we are still in the process of moving stuff from one room to another, having it painted, doing the touch ups myself because I'm super picky about paint done right, and moving it all back and going to the next room. Plus now a bunch of my stuff is in the mix. Super fun chaotic times, y'all.
Speaking of, I need to show you how sexy FG is. When we merged cleaning supplies, we found that we have... a lot. So he cleared out a cabinet in his man cave so that I could have a nice, organized, consolidated place to store the cleaning supplies, at least until we have used up the duplicates and are down to a normal amount.
Oh, baby. Look at that. Hubba hubba. Reason #423 why that man is awesome. A cleaning supply cabinet, right next to the foosball table and Golden Tee.
FG and I are in the process of merging households and lives. We are asking questions about the other person's take on nearly everything, and it's moving along about how you'd expect.
Some things we don't care about, and some things are oddly important. Like I wanted to put my metal straws into the butter knife spot in the silverware drawer and that was a HARD no from him. I found another spot.
He likes to put his pots and pans in the dishwasher and I cringe at that but go along with it. However, I insist upon handwashing my knives. Little process changes for each of us. So far FG has been very accommodating for every change that I run by him. I like it. I feel free in his house instead of stifled, like I feared.
Pumpkin is also adjusting. This is a big change for such an old kitty who was used to a quiet house with all of her designated spots. She and Rosco did get into it almost immediately and I think she won because he had a scratch on him. She has been hiding amongst the piles of stuff, and she did shit in the closet, but she's also been hanging out and eating okay and she found a windowsill to lounge upon and she's venturing outside. I think she'll be okay in time.
P.S. my herbs are doing great and I put them on FG's kitchen windowsill and they make me smile.
The blinds are filthy and I'm waiting for when the kitchen is painted and they have to be taken down anyway to clean them. Lots of things in this house have been cleaned for the first time in 10 years in the last few days.
Don't even get me started on the washing machine. How do you get that mildew smell to go away in a front load washer? I've already bleached/cleaned out unmentionable things from the rubber seal but it still smells.
P.P.S. We still have not farted in front of each other and living together, even potentially temporarily, might change that but we're both fighting it. Stay tuned for updates on that.