13 November 2019

Hey, this is what's going on

What is it about the time change that makes me sooooo sluggish? By 4:30, I'm thinking about dinner and by 6 I'm wanting to tuck myself into bed. I'm 34 and 11.5/12ths, not 84, although there doesn't seem to be much of a difference.

Been doing a lot of crafting lately. I just feel like it. When the weather changes, I get the urge to clean and declutter. Yeah, there's spring cleaning, where I clean the windows once a year, but fall cleaning is better because I'm in fluffy socks organizing chaotic drawers and clearing away the year-long decor to make way for holiday glitz. Ah, it's weird how some things bring you such happiness.

I turned down a work trip to the Bahamas in early December. I weighed my options and this year, 2 weeks away from home right before the holidays sounds more stressful than fun, even if it's a paid trip to the Bahamas. Wait... did I make a mistake? No, No. I'd be all alone and I'd be working. So I did not make a mistake.

My electricity bill is $65 this month. Horray, horray, horray. The rest of the year will be expensive, not just because of the holidays, but also because of the wedding. Hair and makeup, gifts, hotel (ha! just kidding, I used points), etc. etc.

Since my brother bought a house this year and Christmas lights are expensive, I'm going to give them the stuff that I didn't have the energy to put up last year, and therefore will unlikely put up every year in the future. Win-win.

Houses. I'm still thinking that this house is too big and I want to move into a smaller house in the next few years. But... this house is pretty awesome for entertaining. Too bad I've thrown exactly 2 parties? I think it's because I traveled so much, but next year maybe I can start actually using the big party house for its intended purpose. There is a lot of business coming into Houston so that should keep me in town a lot more.

Oh, something funny to note:

This past weekend, I went to FG's grandson's birthday party. I gave him a book about trucks and things that makes noise, and signed the card, "♥ Nen."

I guess they've all been discussing what the baby will call all the grandparents and they assumed that I'd picked out my name... at first they thought it was Nan and they were all excited that I picked out my "grandma" name!

I tried to explain that it's Nen and it's just my name, and I'm definitely NOT part of the grandparents naming thing, but with all the commotion I'm not sure it translated.

Either way, the point was that it was super cute that they all approved and were really happy that I decided what the kid will call me. I'm sure it will sort itself out eventually, lol.

The even bigger point is that the kid got a ball pit from his aunt, and he lost it with happiness.  It inspired me to get Andrew a ball pit for his birthday. I already ordered it (and 400 balls) and it's sitting in my foyer and I have to wait over a month to see if he likes it. Gah!

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