Yesterday, I had the day off. I had taken it off months ago and scheduled a bunch of doctor's appointments, planning to get them all done in 1 day. Of course, now they're all cancelled so my day was wide open.
It has been so weird to go out to work while the rest of the world hunkers down at home. It's usually the opposite. There are a few good things about that, including a complete lack of traffic. My commute has never been so smooth.
Forreal tho, work has been SO busy and I'm tired. I was fully ready for a day off. I spent the night at FG's, and I lounged around on his couch while he went in his office and participated in a stream of conference calls.
I think it's so interesting that a lot of people that are now working from home are getting to see a new side of their significant others- how they act "at work." I saw a meme that said something about how this woman noticed her husband uses the phrase, "let's circle back" and she never knew that about him. How funny!
I headed home around lunchtime and called up mom on the way. She was running an errand and made a wrong turn and wound up pretty close to my house, so she decided to stop at the grocery store. She's been quarantining pretty strictly, because she is in a higher health risk group. I haven't seen her in a while so I joined her.
I've been taking careful precautions when I leave the house, and everyone in the lab wears PPE and works far apart on a normal basis, but there's always a chance I've been exposed over the last few weeks. Which is why when I met her in the store I told her that I shouldn't hug her.
Well, she started to cry and reached for me anyway. We stood there in the egg aisle, sniffling and hugging, with our faces pointed as far away from each other as they could get, for a good solid minute.
Then we took our shopping carts, returned to keeping our distance, and had a really fun grocery store trip. You can see things slowly returning to normal on the shelves. There was produce, eggs, even a few cleaning supplies. I didn't really need much, so I got some fruit, lunchmeat, and an air filter and helped mom hunt down items that she had coupons for.
Ashley and I had planned to go visit Suzy this weekend but of course that's been cancelled and it's a bummer. I was really looking forward to that.
I miss the kiddos. I am living for the pictures/videos my siblings put on social media and send out in the group chat every day. Emma is 7 weeks now and I've held her only one time. She's so sweet and happy and is really the cutest little girl I've ever seen.
You know what I also miss? Pedicures and random Target runs.
Anyway, I spent the rest of the day yesterday organizing a mountain of boxes in the guest room. I made friends with the materials management guy at the reference lab and he's been hooking me up with boxes. The last time I moved I didn't have time to go around collecting them, and wound up spending hundreds of dollars on boxes. Now, I have a ton of free boxes. PLUS bubble wrap!
I still can't believe how much crap I have.
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