22 March 2020

thinking out loud

This is going to be a disorganized brain dump.

Today, I did not watch the news while I drank my coffee.
We all know what's going on, and the non-stop drama on the news does nothing but make me anxious. Instead, I turned on Little House on the Prairie and browsed pinterest. It was a good choice.

I spent a lot of time at FG's house this weekend. We figured if one of us has caught the virus, the other one has already been exposed anyway, and it was better than sitting at home bored.

Today I came home after breakfast, made some double-chocolate cookies to stash in the freezer for emotional eating, cleaned the kitchen cabinet doors, purged/packed some stuff in my bathroom, and made a delicious dinner of baked salmon on top of a mediterranean-ish salad. It was a good day, although I would love to sit on a patio with some friends right now. Even as a person who has no problem with solitude, it's been so weird and sustained solitude is never good.

In related news, my yoga studio started streaming yoga classes in response to social distancing. They are at a much more affordable price than traditional classes, so I signed up. It's amazing how much better I feel after taking a class. It really is an investment in mental health.

Another good thing about this "society shutting down" is the lack of spending opportunities. I've been able to save a ton of money this last month, and I've got another month to sock away cash before applying for a mortgage loan.

See, everything works out the way it's supposed to.

Still trying to practice reckless optimism, which has proven difficult in these uncertain times. The economy, job security, finding kale, upcoming vacations, putting the house on the market, how long will this last? It's okay, though. Because you know what?  Things work out. They always do.

All the stuff I worried about in my last post resolved themselves. I worried about the price of eye drops and wound up getting the doctor to call in some that were $17. Then it turned out, FG had kale in his fridge that he wouldn't eat so he gave it to me. It rained and pollen levels dropped. The instruments at the reference lab were fixed and we have a modified training schedule in place for next week. One by one, all of the things that I worried about were ok. Like always.

And life went on while I found something new to worry about.

Today's episode of reckless optimism:
The economy will recover quickly. Friends who got laid off will get even better jobs than the ones they've lost. The phone will ring off the hook with people wanting pest control. I will get a big bonus for working non-stop through this crisis. I will be able to find kale the next time I need it. The quarantine will be lifted in time for FG's big birthday party, and our vacation to Mexico in May will be awesome and no one will get sunburned. I'll put the house on the market as scheduled, and I will get a full-priced offer within the first week. The closing date will be June 15th. Everything that I put out in the garage sale will sell.

And, while I'm at it, I'm going to sleep well and wake up feeling happy, healthy, and energetic all week.

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