01 December 2019

Good day.

Today I slept late, and woke up to a snuggly kitty and an even snugglier man who got up to serve me coffee in bed, as always. Not a bad way to start the day.

Then we (he) spent a few hours installing the new security light on the side of my house. From scratch. There was no light there to begin with and he casually tied into an existing circuit. Isn't that hot??
I believe all of my lighting goals have been met, now.

Frank and Chelsea, recovered from their trip to Vegas, came over to wish me a happy belated birthday. And they brought cake! Chelsea was appalled that I did not have a birthday cake. It hadn't occurred to me, but what a sad thing, to not have a birthday cake! She made things right.

They went to two different stores to find a gluten free cake for me.

We didn't even take it out of the grocery bag before lighting the candles and singing happy birthday. 

It was delicious. I forced them to take the rest of the cake home so that I wouldn't eat the entire thing. Good call. I only halfway regret that decision.

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