31 December 2019

wrinkles and roots

It's New Year's Eve. How did that happen?
The last few weeks have been more relaxing than I expected. I'm very grateful for that. At this time last year, I was feeling pretty stressed.

I took down Christmas, and am enjoying the blank slate in regards to home decor. I'm in no immediate hurry to put anything back up. The mantel can be bare until inspiration strikes.

I'm trying to outline goals for the next year and I'm having a hard time getting motivated to do anything except just... be. I feel calm and centered and it's hard to look into the future because I keep feeling like I need to focus on the present. Maybe that's a thing.

I know the universe will change things for me, so maybe it is okay to sit for a while and enjoy the lack of movement. There has been enough change in the last few years and it has felt really good to grow some roots.


Yesterday, I was carded while buying a bottle of wine... and wrinkle cream.

I've noticed that the creases around my eyes are getting deeper and stay even when I'm not smiling, so I upgraded my normal skincare routine to include a cream specifically for wrinkles. Yay.

After a little research I wound up buying the Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum.
(I really like the Olay Regenerist Microsculpting cream- you can literally watch the wrinkles smooth out and redness go away as soon as you put it on), but I want to target dark spots at the same time. So we'll see how this works.

Tonight we have plans to go to a party at a friend's house in the boonies, and I'm halfway excited and halfway would rather sit around Ashley's fire pit. I think FG would normally rather have a calm evening, but since it's the first anniversary of losing his daughter, I think he wants a little distraction and a party does just that.
I do have a new sparkly skirt (and sparkly tights) to wear, so I guess I better start getting excited.

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