12 June 2011

I've been awake for a while now

Note to self: Don't watch Cheaters when you have a long-distance relationship and haven't had contact with your man in over a week. Also, don't switch to Saving Private Ryan, just in time to catch the opening scene. Soldier-y carnage hits just a little too close to home right now.

Have a small package to send to Grandma- album of wedding photos. Gorgeous, such a good memory.

Been rivaling Akhtar in my Motomail usuage, but I have yet to hear back about the success. If you'd like to send a letter, let me know and I'll give you the address. You don't have to have anything fabulous to write about; it's just nice to receive letters from home.

I love how gloriously quiet it is in the morning before all the kids get up. I also love having everyone home. The house is too empty when everyone's at school. I sound like a mom, haha.

Time to finish my coffee, clip some coupons from the Sunday paper, and get ready to go catch my Sunday matinee with Akhtar-- Bridesmaids!

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