16 July 2011

good stuff

Increasingly excited about Harry Potter this evening. All it takes is those first few notes... Gah. Fantastic books, great movies. JK Rowling deserves every cent and every ounce of recognition.

Getting stuff ready to send another care package next week. The box has been sitting on my table slowly filling up with items.

Getting back into the swing of things. I'm glad I only worked two days this week because it was hard to get up after several days being a night owl on vacation.
The longer I'm on this early shift, the more I realize it's not ideal. I've been trying to make it ideal, but I've never been a morning person and I probably never will be. If I don't stick with the sleep schedule very closely, it's torture in the mornings. In the future I'd be ok with second shift, but for now this is okay. I always said the only time I hate my job is at 4am.

Is it supposed to rain? It looks like it, but I doubt we'll get the satisfaction of a good downpour. We haven't had any of those quick intense summer thunderstorms this year. I caught two in Wisconsin, which was awesome.

I should get going; have a busy day ahead of me. In addition to the care package stuff, I have four birthday gifts to buy. Or maybe I'll grab Pumpkin off the window sill and force her to snuggle me.

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