17 July 2018

Products I'm loving

Tried my first barre class today. It was intense. I'll stick to yoga for now because flexibility and mindfulness are my focus, but when I want to bump it up a notch, holy crap that does the trick. (My ass would be super perky if I kept it up.)

Anyway, some products I'm loving lately:

-Que Bella Charcoal Mud Mask. I can only find it at Target and I love it. I squeeze it from the packet into a small container. Then I dab it on any problem spots and it dries it right out, seriously halting the progression from pre-breakout to big hurty red spot.

-Bio Oil. I was particularly sold on this product because I tried it out of desperation during the development of another rash-fest this spring. [Horray, unexplained rash of tiny bumps around my noise and eyes, coinciding with allergy season.] The whole month of April was stressful and not a good time for my skin.  I put this on at bedtime. It absorbs nicely and has a pleasant fragrance. I'm convinced it has helped, as the bumps have cleared up and I've noticed an overall improvement in my skin tone and texture. I'm using WAY less concealer nowadays.

-Speaking of concealer, Shape Tape is the BOMB. I dab on a teeny, tiny bit and it covers great and stays put all day. I follow this chick on instagram who sang its praises so I checked it out and it's every bit amazing and worth the $30 price tag.

-Scouring Stick. This product is AWESOME. I tried so many things trying to get rid of the nasty hard water ring in the hall toilet. Nothing worked.
Not an overnight soak with coke, vinegar, bleach, scrubbing, CLR, nothing.
The scouring stick was on the shelf at home depot right next to the CLS. It cost three bucks so I figured why not? And to my amazement, it worked. scrubbed that hard water grossness right off, without scratching the porcelain finish. Nice.

Lastly, in my crusade to find a sulfate-free shampoo that gets a decent lather, I came across this Orchid Oil shampoo. Smells good, cleans good, and sudses up better than any other sulfate-free shampoo I've tried. I also enjoy the (sulfate-free) lavender shampoo.

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