20 December 2010


So I haven't talked to Ashley in a few days and I feel like the universe is off-kilter. I smell a makeover in my future. :o)

My white elephant gift for the Christmas party at work tomorrow is: a pineapple and a bottle of my favorite wine. Props to Sue for the pineapple idea that I stole. It was only 99 cents at Randalls!

Also, is alcohol inappropriate for a work event? I mean, the bunch I work with are not exactly teetotalers and it's not like we're going to drink it at work. And it's not like I bought a six pack or a 40... actually that would be pretty hilarious and possibly more appropriate for a white elephant. Meh, whatever. It's already wrapped!

Oh yeah, Padre won Best Lighting again this year.
It really is a cool experience walking up towards the door.

1 comment:

  1. i brought a box of Franzia for my white elephant. BTW, we drove by last night and the house looks GREAT!
