15 February 2011

goings on and stuff

Still so sluggish. Like how you feel right before you get sick. No sick!

And the GODDAMN air conditioning is still out in the lab, which was fine when it was freezing outside. Now that it's warm and humid again the lab is like fricken 80 degrees. Instant crabby. Especially when the temperature causes drifts on the dinosaur chemistry analyzer and you have to stop everything to calibrate. Today we had to re-calibrate CO2 and immediately after I ran QC and put patient samples back on, we had a potassium drift. A few curse words followed. I'm sure people walk by the lab and hear profanity all the time. I should probably watch that...

I dragged my sluggish crabby ass to see Ash at Chanel after work (not "the mall") and I had fun watching her eat dinner and picking out some pretty undies at VS. I heart my seeeester. She makes me feel better.

Finally figured out how many student loans I have and who I have to pay them back to. 5 different lenders. I need to consolidate but have no idea how. Anyone have an extra 30 grand so I can just get them all paid off at once?   : D

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