12 February 2011


Oh my gosh.Yesterday was a bitch of a day. After yesterday's post I hopped in the shower, and just as I was getting out I got a missed call and a text from my boss saying "Help!"

So I tossed on some scrubs, grabbed a bag of popcorn and a carrot kuz I hadn't eaten dinner yet, and headed back in to work.

It was kinda crazy. Systems weren't exactly back up, but they figured out a way to get around the problem.

I ended up leaving at around 10, freaking exhausted. My whole body hurt and I was starving.

But that's one of the things I like about this job. The people. When there's a problem, my coworkers aren't afraid to stay late or go the extra mile. We all pitch in and work together to get it done. My boss especially. She gets right in there with us, while a lot of supervisors won't touch the bench no matter how hairy it gets. And I can't tell you how many times I've woken her up at 5 am saying, "This is broken! How do I fix it?" and she patiently and groggily helps me out.

I've said it many times before- no matter where you work, it's the people that can make you love it or make you hate it.

So yes, I bitch about my job when it gets stressful, but when I stop to count my blessings and the reasons why I really like this job, it's worth it.

Oh, and also, it's Saturday. Time to enjoy some waffles and coffee, and maybe crawl back into bed.

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