20 October 2011


Ok there were like 5 pregnant announcements on my google reader today. People like to procreate on the blog-world, I guess. In other news, I just got my period. About 5 days late, which would normally have me terrified, but that's the thing about not having sex- you absolutely don't get pregnant. I think it's trying to sync up with my coworkers' cycles. Joy.

Anyway, I officially work with yet another lunatic. Without getting into the whole long detailed story, it's a phlebotomist who I see in the mornings. She's always late, but lately she's been like 3 hours late. Which would get someone fired in any normal workplace, but nooooo not here. Anyway, her late-ness makes my job infinitely harder, which has me majorly stressed.

Today, she just randomly busted out that she's a victim of kidnapping. No elaboration, just that she was kidnapped. Then, while she should have been drawing patients, I had to listen to how everyone is out to get her. Everyone is purposely trying to make her look bad so that she will get fired- including the nurses and our own employees. And I'm thinking, "Get your ass back out there and do your job so I can do mine!"
All day long with her random drama and accusations and spouting out the strangest shit.

Myself and everyone else who has seen her lately have come to the conclusion that she's on crack.

I dread going into work lately. You just never know what kind of crazy is waiting on the other side of the door. I used to have such productive mornings. Now I just find myself thinking, "Can I just do my job, please???" instead of dodging drama and crazy people, while trying to do my job at the same time.

Anyway, at the moment I'm not at work dodging crazy. I have tea and these and a new issue of Good Housekeeping.

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