15 March 2018

Notes ish

A few notes:

- Waterproof mascara has come in CLUTCH two times this week. Solid purchase.

- Today, for the first time in probably 10 years, someone (respectfully) asked me if my boobs were real. I used to get that question all the time when they were huge and I showed them off all the time. But now they're smaller and they see WAY less daylight, and I try to keep my work wardrobe very modest. But I guess they're big enough now that people are doubting that I grew them all by myself. Which comes at a really good time since I'm single at 33 and my perky 20s are far behind so I welcome allll the boosts in attractiveness.

-Also, today I got my last two crowns put on. They feel really smooth and clean. I'M ALL DONE WITH MAJOR DENTAL WORK!! Three root canals, 4 crowns, countless fillings and a handful of sedatives later, I'm done! And you can bet your ass I'll be incredibly faithful to my 6-month checkups from now on. So tonight, I can chew on whatever side I want, and I will enjoy every bite of crunchy things with my expensive new teeth.

-Dog update for Drew: Andy moved out with Chris last summer. I didn't exactly miss her, but her absence was a little sad. I think if I ever saw her again I'd be happy to see her. She is, overall, a good dog. Plus after that little bout with dog companionship, I will never willingly get a dog, but I did develop an appreciation for them and can tolerate them a little more than I used to. Which I think is an important adaptation because everyone else in the world is obsessed with dogs and there's no way to get away from them.

-I'm exhausted lately. This project at work is barely on track, but we're making it happen. Trying to act like you're not sad about something personal at work is hard, too. Combine that with time change and I'm completely zonked. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Oh there's this guy in this lab and we have a lot of chemistry. I feel weird about it because I am kinda single but technically not and I would never date a customer but the whole dynamic of being able to date any new person I come across is a new and weird thing to consider.


  1. lolol is this the aforementioned sancho!? Also, you're hot. Stop acting like you look like Nanny McPhee bc you're in your 30s...smh

  2. Nope, new guy. Holla.
    Also, talk to me when you're 33 and see how Nanny McPhee you feel! (But thanks for telling me I'm hot. I'm working on feeling like it haha)

  3. I googled Nanny McPhee bc I was like “she can’t be that bad” ���������� but for real. You are NOT Nanny McPhee. Lmao you hot.
